The first thing we do is give you a Virtual Office.
Your Virtual Office Helps You:
Get Initial Paperwork Signed and Saved
Gather Insurance Information and File It
Get a Credit Card on File
Charge Credit Cards for Sessions or CoPays
Schedule and Reschedule Clients
Initiate and Work in Video Conferences
Our Insurance Billing Department will start the process
of getting you onboard with our insurance,
and help you keep track of your client payments.
The claim submissions are all handled in the background for you.
You can use a Smartphone or a Tablet,
but we recommend a laptop with a camera and a microphone.
A corded Headset with a Microphone, and a built in camera on a laptop, seems to be the ideal setup for a trouble-free experience.
(some clinicians find that wireless equipment tends to have a delay and an echo)
We can help you to set up your system if you have any trouble.